My film is going to rely on lots of my own artificial lighting to create different atmospheres in different scenes. I used another student's blog to get these photos, which are a demonstration of three point lighting.
The lights are broken down into three: the key light, the fill light, and the back light.
The key light is the one to the left, and is typically the main light used in filming. This light is influential on the scene and helps to create shadows on the other side of the object being lit. I will use shadows heavily throughout my short film, so this form of lighting is one that I intend to use.
The fill light is the one depicted centrally, and is used to remove unwanted shadows created by the main light. It is the lighter one of the two, and I will only use this form of lighting when I have unwanted shadows present in my scenes, which may be a common problem due to the nature of the film I am creating, which will rely heavily on manipulated lighting.
The third and final light is the photo on the right, and is one I don't intend to use over the course of filming. The back light is primarily used to define characters from their surroundings rather than to provide a direct light, which is something I doubt I will need to do. However, upon experimenting with the lighting in my scenes, this light could prove to be useful and I may end up using it.
Before filming I will research all 3 lighting techniques and eventually decide on which of the three to use. I will definitely use the main, key light but I am currently unsure on whether or not I will use the remaining two.